For UPSC exam, one must dedicate a lot of quality time and effort to be able to grasp the mammoth syllabus. But even after putting so much effort candidates are not even able to clear the UPSC Prelims which leads to enormous stress, anxiety and demotivation.
It is heart-wrenching to see so many promising youths giving up on their dream of clearing UPSC, not because they are not capable and definitely not because they don't work hard. Directionless preparation, lack of practice and repeating the same mistakes again and again are the topmost reasons for not clearing UPSC Prelims examination. Since the syllabus is so vast
and preparation spans minimum a year, it is very difficult for candidates to keep track of where they stand in terms of their preparation - What are their weak areas, What are their strong areas. There is no easy way or tool available that allows candidates to practice as per their own learning schedule and simultaneously guide them to improve their performance.
To solve these pain points, we have designed SprintUPSC, an engaging and analytics-driven test platform with high-quality content for UPSC aspirants. With over 12,000 questions covering 230+ topics and 35+ books, including NCERTs, SprintUPSC is the only practice platform you need for clearing UPSC Prelims.
SprintUPSC is packed with loads of features to help UPSC aspirants take charge of their preparation through our unique methodology based on the five pillars: Prepare, Practice, Adapt, Collaborate and Gamify.
Practice by creating real-time tests either by selecting subjects and corresponding topics, or by selecting subjects and corresponding books and chapters. Create an entire test plan as per your own learning schedule.
Adapt your preparation strategy based on feedback from our state-of-the-art analytics engine which keeps track of your performance using advanced metrics such as performance score, subject and topic-wise coverage and accuracy, difficulty-level of questions attempted and depth of topics covered in practice tests.
Make learning fun by earning rewards and incentives by answering questions correctly and referring other candidates to the platform. Redeem these rewards in numerous ways such as cashback or discount coupons.
Make use of community learning and doubt resolution through discussion forums and peer-to-peer learning. Create study groups and invite your friends for a mutually beneficial learning experience.
SprintUPSC - Prepare, Practice, Achieve
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