Having interviewed countless aspirants of UPSC exam, when we asked what they feel is the 'One factor' that can make all the difference, invariably we received the reply - 'Practice! Track your mistakes diligently and learn from them'.
So we got our thinking heads together and came up with an idea of having the largest UPSC question bank to practice from, for the UPSC aspirants, on a state-of-the-art, feature-rich platform that could provide real-time analytics to the users and help them guide with their preparation.
To have a great solution, it's important to have a clear problem statement. With lakhs of candidates taking the exam every year, this was not very difficult to understand. We just had to talk to them, and that we did. This activity resulted in a beautiful, clear picture -
Thereupon, we needed to work on a
solution. And this, we did not know, was to take us on an amazing journey of building something we had not even dreamt of when we started.
To sprint past all the problems, we needed a flyover over all these obstacles. For our flyover to stand firmly, we needed some
strong pillars that would not only directly attack all the problems and keep them at bay, but also provide a smooth and enjoyable passage to the users so that they could
reign their preparation journey and come out with flying colours.
So, the thinking heads got together again, and after hundreds of hours of discussions and arguments, agreements and disagreements, fights and pats on the backs, we had a consensus on the
5 most important pillars on which our solution would stand. This again gave us a gorgeous picture, solving all the problems, and we knew our end product would be nothing short of incredible:
So everyone, here we present to you -
An engaging, analytics-driven test platform comprising high-quality content handcrafted by subject-matter experts covering 230+ topics and 35+ books, including NCERTs. With over 12,000 practice questions and a multitude of exciting features,
SprintUPSC is the only practice platform you need for clearing UPSC Prelims!
SprintUPSC - Prepare, Practice, Achieve